Well, my graphic design skills are a little rusty! I thought I would just get on Squarespace and whip out my website. When I was a branding director and graphic artist, I shied away from anything web related. I left the “programming” to others while I just created the overall image of the branding materials and website. It was so much easier to show a Jr. Art Director or freelancer how I wanted the website to be designed and how it would interface with the other components of the project… and always it was for clients and not for myself!
If you ask my husband now about what my experience has been as I have learned this new language of web design, I’m sure he would say “no comment.” He has heard me go on and on, seeing me load new templates, and struggle through. And this is the EASY way to do a website. Or so I’m told!!
After all, I am not in the biz of branding any more. I JUST WANT TO PAINT and leave all this promotion of my art to someone else. In a perfect world I guess. And the timing of all this… when I thought I didn’t need any more perseverance, God had another idea.
Hopefully you will thoroughly enjoy my sweat equity!